Friday, October 31, 2008

Public school warning.

Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to alert you all to something Parker learned at school yesterday. He came home, and thankfully asked me and Randal, about a survey they studied at school. Needless to say, I was SHOCKED they would teach the kids about this, especially without the parents knowing ahead of time. He said, "Did you know that 9 out of 10 parents steal candy from their children's Halloween buckets?" I don't know what the school was thinking, but that is NOT something I wanted my kids learning about! Anyway, we might all want to speak up on this issue. First, I had to ask Parker what his definition of stealing was and then I had to ask how many candy was considering stealing. Let's just say, according to Parker, I (Randal too if he man's up) have some repenting to do. My opinion was, if a tree in a forest falls down and no one is there to hear it, it DIDN'T HAPPEN! Or whatever that great philosophical question is. Truthfully, I thought this issue would be like the Santa thing, if you catch my meaning (I'm being a little cryptic in case some of your children read over your shoulder like mine sometimes does.) I just figured at the right time, they knew and took proper security measures. Oh well, this may be one of those things that is a blessing in disguise. Later Taters!


Alli said...

Really? I hope it was just his class and not my kids who learned this. Seriously. Also, I have a dumb question. How do you get your words in your post to be different sizes? I can't figure it out.

Shandy said...

Charlotte - like always - you're a hoot and half to read about!!!!
and glad I switched schools - LOL

Ami Looker said...

That was a great thing to read in the morning. I just had to laugh! Hey I joined facebook and got back in touch with Brenda. She says hi!!

Stacey said...

Be grateful you don't live in I think it was Mashecuesetts. Apparently they are reading books that include two men kissing and portraying this as a normal thing and they don't have to warn the parents before doing so. This along with many other aspects of homosexuality which is part of their curiculum. It's scary to think what they're learning and not telling us - isn't it?