Sunday, October 5, 2008

Parker's thoughts on his family.

Parker was once asked to respond to the question "If you could make a totem pole for your family, what stories would it represent? This is his response:
It would be a tiger to represent my smarts. A fish for persistence for my brother Perry. He never gives up. A cheetah for speed and my brother Peter who has lots of speed. A monkey that is funny and that's for my dad. A killer whale for her (mom's) kindness.
Am I missing something? I wasn't aware that killer whales are kind. I think it's the killer part of the name that throws me.


Shandy said...

that is priceless Charlotte! 110% PRICLESS! (and hilarious!)

The Legg Fam said...

Found you through Shandy's blog. Thought the story was great !!