Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Only two hours, if that!

So, I've been thinking about something my former trainer (I'm out of sessions) wanted me to do. She wanted me to log all my food intake on this really cool site for the Body Bug. It is a wonderful calorie counter, BUT, since I cook a lot of our meals, requires me to sometimes type in recipes to get the calorie count. I know it would help with weight loss, but there are only so many hours in a day. And maybe you can relate, but most of the things I do for myself are limited to a two hour period, if I'm lucky. That happens to be Perry's nap time. BUT, Peter is usually still awake or only sleeps an hour. SO, here is a sample list of MY activities that I have to squeeze into a two hour space.
Sewing (Christmas is coming, and, of course, I'm behind.)
Christmas shopping via the Internet
Reading (Fun and Church stuff)
Preparing a lesson
Calorie counting
Napping (These are VERY RARE, but I have to be truthful)
Phoning people, if I want to be uninterrupted.
And sometimes this is the only time I get for lunch

How do the rest of you do it? If you know me at all, you know one of the first things to go is cleaning. Now, my house isn't usually a pig sty, but 9 out of 10 times if you were to spontaneously stop by, there would be laundry on my couch and dishes in the sink. I would apologize profusely, but would be so glad to see you that I would soon forget my embarrassment. (Unless it was underwear day, then I'd be embarrassed longer.) Thankfully, if I need a shower during "my time", it means the exercising is already done OR that well, er, uh, I decided to skip it. The bills have become more time consuming lately simply because I am trying to keep better track of where the money goes. Did I mention this is actually homework for a class I am taking, Financial Peace University? And all the other stuff is purely selfish, but like I said, it's the only "my time" I get. And truthfully, I know that there is more I try to fit in that time, I am just so darn forgetful all the time. Have I ever express how grateful I am for sticky note? Well, I just used half an hour to blog, so now I'd better hit the shower. YEAH! That means I was good today and got the exercising in too.


The Legg Fam said...

Good for you !!! I still have days that I am lucky if I get a shower, let alone get to exercise. You go girl. By the way, thanks for the birthday wish. I did have a nice day.I got to take a long hot bath. One of my favorite things to do!!

Shandy said...

girl! seriously - you're a HOOT!! loved this entry (as I could SOOOO totally relate!!!)
and truthfully, that's why most of my posts (on my blog or others...) is late(r) on in the evening after everyone has gone to bed....

and just for the record - no shower for me today... too many (other) pressing things needed my time!