Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do your kids.......?

Okay, so as the mother of three kids now, I still have a lot more questions than answers. So, I thought I'd pose some of them to you. I won't remember them all, so I may add to this post a couple of times (I believe I mentioned my memory problems in an earlier post.)
Do your kids wait until the last possible nano second to go to the bathroom?
Have you ever figured out why?
Do you have love triangles in your home? Brother one and two love brother three. But brother one and two don't get along very often. Brother three is oblivious.
Do your children believe you love them, because I have one that doesn't?
Do your children always have to hurt one another when they play together?
Do your children feel overly burdened simply because they need to unload the dishwasher?
What is the average number of times you have to ask your children to do something?
Be back later...the one that was really puzzling me, I have forgotten.

I Remembered one...
Do your kids eat butter (or something equally yucky) by itself?


Stacey said...

Most of my answers are yes! It baffles me too - especially the bathroom one. I do have to ask several times before I get responses and the dishwasher is plain awful. I don't think we'll ever know the mysteries of childhood.

Shandy said...

especially to the unloading the dishwasher! I mean, c'mon! it's like your only *big* chore and it takes allllll day long of nagging to get it done! sheesh!
again.. you're such a hoot and riot! love your writing! publish a book, will ya! :)

Christy said...

Most of my answers are YES too. I don't know why, but I guess we just have to keep at it until they grow out of it...hopefully they grow out of it. My older kids are starting to so there is hope.

The Legg Fam said...

So, the bathroom thing is universal. I don't think it matters who you talk to. My kids hold it till the very last minute. The very last minute is also when I am in a hurry to get someplace. You gotta love it, we did this to our moms too.