Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stuff I got to have

Okay, I should have probably title the post "addictions" but that sounds so serious. And we all know I'm hardly ever serious. But I do have an addictive personality. I have problems with Halloween candy (thankfully most is gone and the rest is being carefully guarded by rightful owners.) I am addicted to my favorite TV shows (Biggest Losers, Heroes, and A.I. when it comes on.) I am crazy about my hubbie and have serious problems when he is not around for a couple of days. I can't live without music, quilting or reading. (Notice I didn't mention exercising. I really wish I could get addicted to that though. I just Do It!) But my latest addiction is Facebook. Now, I've been kind of scared to go to facebook b/c I equate it with My Space, and have heard that My Space CAN BE a dangerous place. You know, all those perverts trolling for children. And of course, the lonely looking for hook-ups and one night stands. NO THANK YOU! But, alas, I am easily swayed, especially by good friends. And best friends are the worst (or best depending on how you look at it.) Anyway, my long time friend, Ami, joined facebook and has got in touch with some of our high school friends. And I was envious. So, I joined up thinking I can quit at any time. Isn't that what all addicts say? Well, it has been a blast. I have found about 20 friends, in less than a week, from high school time. All my friends are special. These friends are especially special :) b/c they were around when I joined the church. I couldn't/wouldn't have made it without them. So, you can imagine how thrilled I've been to get in touch and reacquainted with these friends. Anyway, I had been kind of hoping to post a blog and play the 6 degree game (I think that is what it is called.) It's the theory that we are all connected or know each other if you trace the path through (example) your sister, who's boyfriend, who's father, who's coworker, etc knows Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Well, I thought about doing that for all the sets of missionaries who taught me. Because a lot of you guys are popular, know a lot of people, etc. And I have just been wondering if any of you know one or more of the missionaries who taught me. So, maybe another day, but for now, I am content with facebook. Watch out though, because there are also a lot of games and other what nots that can take up your time!


Alli said...

LOVE your new blog look - I wanted to be the first one to make mine all Christmasy but you beat me - darn it!

Love ya.

Shandy said...

cute backgrounds girl!!
and I know a lot of people are addicted to facebook - hehehhe
also - cool that you have made contact with so many friends!! yippeee!!!

Kristy said...

Maybe I need more friends on facebook all I do with my account is feed my puppy.

The Legg Fam said...

My sister loves face book, as well. As for me , I am lucky if I get enough time to update the blog, so I think that al least for now , face book will have to wait. I think it is great you have found so many people!! What a great tool.

Tolmans said...

hey... i didn't get a chance to say more than "hey" in the hallway today... I miss you all too!! I am excited to come back(and i **think** they are leaving us in sr. primary... wahoo!!) but, I could barely make it through sacrament today. So until i can sit without scoping out every garbage can in a 15 foot radius, or heaving every 20 minutes, i think i am gonna have to just miss you!! BUT, i will be back! And tell our class that i haven't forgotten that i owe them candy!!