Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Strange Ailments

Okay, so I'm hoping most of you know my mom is a nurse. And at one time, I did think about following in her footsteps. When I asked her about her job though, she proceeded to tell me about the wacky, gross and strange things she deals with. I won't go there in case anyone is delicate, but I went to the eye doctor yesterday and got diagnosed with something strange and I was beginning to think I had heard it all (okay, not all, but a lot). I have a BLISTER on my EYE! Now, many of you know I love the dentist. I am also extremely tolerant of the OB/GYN. But I am a terrible eye patient. I couldn't do contacts if I had too. The opthamologist even had to flip my eye lid to look around. He tells me, "You probably did this all the time as a kid." Using my prim voice, which I didn't know I had, I informed him "Why, I NEVER!" Anyway, with Thanksgiving coming up, I am grateful for doctors, medicine, eyes and vision and the people who serve in the military. (I know that last one seemed out of place, but the doctor was really patient and nice AND had served in the military. Which also reminded me of all my friends and relatives who have served. And I truly am grateful.) So, that's my update and so far my vision is just fine and my eye should be fine soon. Which I am so thankful for, because really, my eyes are probably my best feature. I hope that doesn't sound vain, the very thought makes me laugh, but I do love my eyes. Happy Thanksgiving all!


Alli said...

I love your eyes too! I'm glad everything is all right - Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!!

P.S. Come to my blog and check out my new family pictures a la Shandy!

Christy said...

I'm glad you're doing fine. How did you get a blister on your eye? I've never heard of that either. Well, hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Kris said...

Your eyes are quite lucious Charlotte and I miss them!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Shandy said...

Blister on the eye!?? pure craziness! what does it feel like? can you see anything on your eye? so curious about it! LOL

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Legg Fam said...

O.K. that is just NASTY!! I hope it doesn't hurt. How the heck do you get a blister in your eye ( I want to know , so as to not get one)I am glad you are doing well, and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.