Friday, October 10, 2008

Aunt Linda-could be a little sad, sorry!

Yesterday, I got a phone call that I knew would come. My aunt Linda had passed away from cancer. I knew this was coming (though it didn't make it easier and I wasn't expecting it yesterday, if you know what I mean). She's been fighting the fight for about three years now. It looked bad then, but some amazing doctors and treatments were actually able to help her have more time with her family (she was only in her 50's) and I believe it was quality time meaning that she actually was feeling good during that time until the end. ANYWAY, I'm a little sad, but wanted to tell anyone who would listen, that though I didn't know her well, I loved her and she was a great lady. I'm still the only LDS member in my family, and that still causes a lot of awkwardness with almost all of my family. But my aunt Linda didn't mind. She is a Christian in the truest sense. We were able to talk about God and Jesus on the common grounds we share and didn't worry about the rest. I LOVED to tease her about liking the Backstreet Boys. She was just like a teenager about them and even went to a concert of theirs. So I changed my playlist today just for her. The first time I met Aunt Linda (as an adult) was when she came to Utah for my wedding. That was wonderful to have some of my family there and especially that they didn't care or worry about it being a "mormon wedding" or the "temple" or "UTAH." Even I still worry when I go to Utah :) And my wedding was near her anniversary, so I think they celebrated their anniversary by coming to my wedding. I also got to spend a lot of time with her when both of my grandparents died. She was a very insightful and understanding lady (our family is kind of dysfunctional in case you didn't guess.) Did I mention she was beautiful too. Well, she was. Anyway, I don't have much more to say, but I did love her and am having a sad moment. And in case you are tempted to never read my blog again because today was just a bit maudlin, then let me tempt you with the fact that while digging through a bunch of old photo in order to make a tribute to my best friend on her 35th birthday, I found some truly hilarious pictures of me and some of you too probably. The ones I intend to post are from my Tae Kwon Do days. Did I mention I think they are hilarious?


Alli said...

Tiff told me and I'm so, so sorry. I was going to call and I didn't so I guess that gets me the bad friend of the day award. Anyway, do you need anything? I'm sending hugs and love your way!

one of us said...

Char -
it's always sad when we loose someone (even if we're expecting it...)
she sounds like a super neat lady and I could tell you cared for her a lot.
so sorry about this :(

Shandy said...

ooops - I was signed in under another blogger name -- that was from me above :)

Monique said...

I'm sorry to hear about your aunt! My prayers are with you!

Ami Looker said...

Char, I am sorry that you are dealing with this. I am thinking of you and your family.