Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pink eye, STINK eye

So, we just can't seem to get healthy at my house. And after a month of basically the same four walls, I am feeling a bit exhausted even though I'm not doing anything. Surely, you know what that is like. So busy taking care of sick kids, but you're not running around or anything. Well, here's how the last month has gone. First, my aunt Linda passed on which had me in a funk for a few days. Then the two little ones get a cold, lasts about a week. Next, they are 110 % better and I have the cold, again, lasts about a week. During my sick week, Perry gets a hearing test and his ear drums don't respond, so he goes on antibiotics that taste GREAT (they had me taste it at the pharmacy.) And the grand Finale (I HOPE) is I think we have pink eye in our house. Now, I've seen pink eye before. It's about as forgettable as pink hair. And normally, about medical things at least, I'm a rule FOLLOWER. But the thought of another Dr appointment, another co-pay, and a big fat lecture about not knowing if it's viral or bacterial, yada yada yada, and I am left doing my own doctoring. You see, we have leftover medicine from the last time Pink visited our house, TSK TSK. And I am 95% sure on one kid, and about 80% sure the other one has it. (We caught it early, I think, in the second one.) SO, here's to leftover meds. I have leftover generic Vicadin and some other pain meds from post c-sections, if anyone is interested, HA HA. I don't know what to do with leftover medicine. You aren't supposed to flush it or put it in the disposal because we don't want a bunch of strung out fishys. I don't want to just throw it in the garbage and be responsible, though not directly, for someone, somewhere finding the medicine and overdosing or something. And who can remember to grab the stuff and take it to a pharmacy, where I THINK they can dispose of it properly? Oh, and while I'm confessing, I still have cough medicine AND decongestant for infants, though the supply is getting low and they don't recommend giving it to little ones anymore. I think confession time and grumping time are over now. It's funny, just this morning I read President Monson's talk "Finding Joy in the Journey.' It's a great talk. And I know intellectually that someday I'll miss this time (not pink eye, but time spent at home doing nothing with the kids.) But today, I'm just not feeling it. I guess I need to read it again, because I think I missed the point. Thanks for reading my grump. I feel better actually just getting it off my chest. Here's the gross picture I found.


Shandy said...

sorry about the pink eye =(
pink eye is the worst! and sorry to hear you've been battling the sickies for a while now!
on the bright side -- I was TOTALLY entertained by your writing!
you're such a wonder woman!

Alli said...

So sorry my friend - sick kids are not a fun thing!

SILLYA said...

thanks-- now my eye itches..hope it passes soon!