Friday, October 17, 2008

Like a Virgin

Okay, don't let the title offend you. This just has to do with my Little-Middle who is only four. Peter is a great smart boy, who had speech therapy when he was young and may need it again once he's in school. The other day Peter was talking and talking and talking, mostly about video games. And I was replying as much as I could when the conversation doesn't make sense. And all of a sudden Peter says, "Do you know that Virgin I like?" Okay, think fast. You know he didn't really say what you thought he said, but what could he be talking about-that's what I'm saying to myself. Well, I finally realize he is trying to ask, "Do you know, that VERSION that I like (still talking about video games.) So now, I keep trying to get him to say that word to others in sentences because I think it's funny and I like to see other people's reactions. But it also reminds me of so many other cute things my kids have said that I am starting to forget. So, I need to make another list at the bottom of my blog. Later Taters.


Shandy said...

that is hilarious charlotte! what a crack up! LOLOL...
love it!
and love the way you retold it :)

Ami Looker said...

LOL!! Make sure you are keeping track of these. Great laughs for when he's older!

Tolmans said...

I love the things kids say. Mason, when he was close to Peter's age, used to say truck.... but minus the T and the R and substitute an F.... yep, it was a pleasant word to her several times a day!! And we would have him say it to every person that walked through the door!! I love little kids!!

Tolmans said...

I need you email address so that I can add you to my blog... will you leave me another message!! Thanks